• Model the LOVE of Jesus BOTH in the Marketplace & the Church
  • Mentor Believers on Their Journey of Becoming Disciples who Make Disciples
  • Multiply Leaders who are Committed to Lead Beyond Their Position & Authority - with Godly LOVE, Integrity & Influence
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It's about Relationship, Intimacy, and remaining in His Presence

Without true relationship with our heavenly Father, it's impossible to love one another. You were meant to be in close relationship with Him. This is the only way His love will flow through you and into others. There is nowhere else to get it. You can't get it from going to church, paying a tithe, or doing great works. Nothing can replace intimacy with the Father.

Praying in the presence receive God

Jesus Did Not Act In His Own Strength Or Will. He Was Absolutely Dependent On Holy Spirit!

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River...

At that very moment, something incredible happened. Holy Spirit came on Him like a dove. He was filled with Holy Spirit.

That was the beginning of His ministry. He performed no miracles before that time.

After being led into the wilderness by Holy Spirit, He was tempted for 40 days. He came back completely under the influence of and controlled by Holy Spirit.

If it was good for Jesus to be filled, under the influence, and completely controlled by Holy Spirit, then it is good for you to be as well. This gift was not just for Jesus, but for all who believe in Jesus.

Would You Like More information?

We work with church leadership to develop them into disciple makers. Our primary focus is to teach leadership the biblical methods Jesus used to disciple.

  • james@ discipleship.love
  • brian@ discipleship.love

6727 Double Tree Lane
Benton, AR 72019


  • Phone:
  • E-Mail:
    james@ calledto.love
  • E-mail:
    brian@ calledto.love